Some of us did fight it. Signs, trying to educate folks and passing out fliers. The frustrating part is the cesspools of Multnomah (Portland) and Lane (Eugene) rule due to their demographics. Shoot, that is the only way we got the nations second lesbian governor this same election! The really stupid part is like many gun regulations, this will not do ONE damn thing to stop the nightly gang banger shootings in Portland. All this will do is make life tougher on the law abiding citizens while the gangs, illegal druggies, oops I forgot those same people decriminalized stuff like meth, cocaine, heroin and fentanyl, and other lowlifes just laugh and keep using stolen guns to shoot each other. I told my wife that if 114 passed, it was the final straw, she can move with me or stay here when I move as soon as I can sell the house. Thankfully she will go with me.