Originally Posted by deflave
After everything you posted about the guys in Virginia I think it’s flat fugking hilarious.

Dave, here's the difference. Pay attention.

A guy like you, and all the others like you, can't live a day without finding someone else to put down, and that's your thing, your schtick. Everybody sees it, everybody knows that's how you get your jollies. If you disagree with something, you make it about someone.

That's completely different than someone pointing out the utter futility of thinking communists care one whit about a peaceful protest. When I post about that, the futility of peaceful protests, I am not talking down to the guys from Va, I'm talking about policy. It's about something, not someone.

Different approach.

I don't need to call everyone an idiot to make a point. There are plenty of people I disagree with on here. The other day I called Sycamore a liar. I believe he is an intentional deceiver, If he misspoke once, maybe he lied once, that's different than being a liar. A liar is an intentional deceiver, someone that thru a myriad of techniques sets out to deceive people.

By the same token, I believe you are a liar. You go far out of your way to mischaracterize anything you can to slander the person you disagree with. You can't stay with the subject, you have to assassinate the person. In that way, you and all the other like-minded people here, are EXACTLY like a liberals. When you run out of logical arguments, you attack the person.

Since all you do is attack people, I assume you have nothing left to offer the conversation.

So learn, if you can, the difference between logic and character assassination.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack