Jan. 19th, 2020's blast from the past in a thread discussing our Lobby day protest or "peaceful protest" as it got coined.

Wonder how it's going to go when antifa starts throwing plastic balloons full of piss at conservatives? Me personally, I avoid that type of situation because my temper would get the best of me. If I'm going to contribute it's got to be all out fighting or some other way. I won't have bags of piss thrown at me w/o repurcussions, which of course is exactly what they paid agitators are paid to create.
'See, look what these crazy right wing extremists did (when we got in their face shouting and threw bags of piss at them), we need to take their guns away!"

No thank you, I do not have the temperment for that.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack

Last edited by jackmountain; 11/15/22.