Originally Posted by MAC
Originally Posted by dvnv
Originally Posted by MAC
I would like to muster up some sympathy but can't do it. This is what happens when you allow the DEMs to control everything in your state. Those of you who live in CA, NY, NJ, IL, MA, OR, WA etc... have nobody but yourselves to blame since you allowed your states to be hikacked and have done NOTHING to take it back!

You have no idea. Back at you when Texas turns blue.

Sorry Fool but I do have an idea. I have watched it happen to lots of places including my native state of CO. While I was away on active duty the fools still in CO stood by and let the DEMs from CA take over. As soon as I retired from active duty and went back to CO I knew it was a lost cause and left. TX is fighting the blue wave as hard as they can. Even though the DEMs tossed $100,000,000 to Bobby O'Dork we sent him away. Why can't CA take the state back? Because you don't want to.

Would CO have stayed red if you hadn't been away on active? I doubt it. We would welcome you coming to CA and showing us how it is done. Why didn't you just take CO back instead of moving to Texas? Regardless, good luck in Texas, hope you succeed...though more likely someone will end up saying it is your fault that Texas went blue.