Jack, no offense to you, but I'm not sure you fully understand the seriousness of Biden cheating his way to the presidency in 2020. We went from a nation of laws to banana republic overnight.

By all accounts the communists heavily influence the Biden crime syndicate, if not outright owning it. Our sovereignty was officially LOST in 2020. We are NO LONGER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We still look like it in our everyday life, at least out in the sticks where you and I live. The cities sure don't look like it though do they? Hell no, they look like Mogadishu. And it's spreading.

We have usurpers in the Whitehouse in the USA! We have at the very least, communist sympathizers running this country. At the very least. Or worse!

We have people in jail since Jan 6 without trials and convictions. We have open and outright cheating in elections, we have societal breakdown due to policies put in place meant to destroy our countries fabric. We have transvestites in our schools, criminals being released from prisons, influence peddling at the highest levels of our government. We have district attorneys that ignore the laws they swore to uphold. We have open borders being flooded with foreigners, all be design to disrupt, destroy and replace the fabric of America. Inflation? Intentional. Shortages? Intentional. Supply chain? Intentional. Gas prices? Intentional. Food prices? Intentional. Mortgage interest rates? Intentional.

I could go on, but we all discuss it each day, in between the petty bickering and character assassination anyway. Everyone knows these have happened, but I'm not sure many realize the seriousness of the country falling into the hands of these insane people.

Picture this scenario. We owe China massive amounts of money we can't pay, brought on by the policies of the politician robber barons. One day China says, we want all your timber. Or your silver, or your fish. Our government just gives it to them, no questions asked. And the politicians that gave our country away get massive kickbacks to their personal checking accounts while America gets f u c k e d!

They bring a few million soldiers over here and they rape our country for it's resources while "our" government just turns the other way. After all, the citizens of the United States are just peons, worthless dregs, deplorables, right? They wish we were dead and out of their way and they treat us like it. Do they not?

And you think the government that does all this cares one whit about your Constitutional rights? These people are lawless thugs that have STOLEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The last thing they care about is whether Billy Bob can go hunt deer this fall. You can talk to them, they may give lip service to your concerns, but they DO NOT CARE about you or your country. They are ROBBERS, come to steal and plunder the United States of America. And it's barely getting started.

The country has fallen into the hands of the enemy and America better wake up and quit living under the delusion that, "Oh, but we protested or we voted or so and so politician is different, they'll fix it".

If something doesn't give with these stolen elections and scoundrils of the lowest character running the country AMERICA WILL BE LOST FOREVER, AND VERY SOON.

And they sure as phouck don't care about us or our "God-given" rights.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack