I'm from Ontario and hunted moose for years. The mount shown as my avatar is the best I personally have taken. Neither I or my buddies claim to be expert hunters or callers although over the years we have had many moose respond to the call. Having taken Only one hunt and using a native guide my experience here is limited. Our experience on that one hunt was an unmitigated disaster. The only moose that came in was called by me and the guide was useless. We dispensed with his services(?) after 3 days.

In Ontario it is my understanding the best success is found north of Kenora in the fly in areas as suggested by Karl earlier.

From everything I have read I think your best chance of getting a moose would be in Newfoundland. They may not be the largest but if you have never gotten one I think you would enjoy the experience. I have personally never understood the need for a large set of antlers. Any bull that can be drawn out of the bush by calling and coming in grunting to my way of thinking is a trophy. In addition the provide a grand amount of excellent eating. Being out in the bush watching the sunrises and sunsets, and sometimes the aurora borealis after dark are priceless experiences.

I realize everyone has different desires but think to achieve what you want will likely take more than one trip and far more money than you have planned for one trip. I don't like to be a killjoy, only trying to be

All the best in your search. Let us know in the Fall how it goes!
