I understand your main point... you are essentially saying that in your opinion, all rifles should be sold with an accuracy guarantee.

This concept does have some merit, but unfortunately, that is not currently the way things are...or have ever been. This could be done, but it is a cost issue...manufacturers only make the rifles as good as they need to be to sell to the marketplace...so that's all you're gonna get.

Some manufacturers do currently offer this option, but most manufacturers don't. If a consumer wants a rifle with an accuracy guarantee, he will have to buy a rifle from a manufacturer that currently offers one. As they are still under the UCC, if there is really something wrong with a rifle, most manufacturers will fix it if their feet are held to the fire.

Also, most of the large manufacturers DO have custom shops...and anyone can order their rifle through that division, but that small number of end-users that really need match accuracy can have a custom rig built much more cheaply on their own dime. If a big manufacturer made some of the excellent rifles we see here on this board they would likely cost 5x more than what the smaller custom smiths charged them.

At least, at this point the consumer still has that choice to make...and he should exercise it before 2009 rolls around.


It ain't all burritos and strippers my friends...