OK, I tried to stay out of this but I just can't.

Baiting is a chickenchit way to hunt. It pits hunter against hunter, brother against brother, landowner against the average joe.

Baiting in WI is out of hand. The DNR has a 2 gal. max for bait, I don't know ANYBODY who baits that follows that rule.

Banned in MN, kind of funny too. I shot two does a few years ago there that had corn in them when I field dressed 'em. Yep, you guess it, not a corn field within 25 miles.

Parents in WI use the excuse all the time that they do it so their kids can see deer when they hunt or they won't go anymore. I call B.S. I hunted for 2yrs before I even SAW a deer in the woods while hunting. Did I get bored, nope, just wanted it even more, so bad I could picture how it was going to happen.

Camp is where you make it.