Originally Posted by jmj
The key word is AREA. Just say Joe Blow has property joining my property. He puts a corn feeder 2 feet from my property line, without me knowing. You're telling me that the Game Warden is not going to allow me to hunt my property that I bought and paid for???????
They can not do that. Whomever you're talking to is either a hard &@S or a dumba$@.
Let him take that case to court agaist one of these big land owners that have the Governor and everyone else bought off.
I respect the job that Conservation Officers do, as I stated, I have a good friend that is a Game Warden. If I were breaking the law, he wouldn't hesitate to give me a ticket. He does, however, use good judgement. What your man is saying is off base. You cannot shut down 3000 acres because somebody that lives on the property has a corn feeder in their back yard. Can't do it.


I'm just stating what I was told by the man with the ticket book.....I also called Montgomery the first year we leased the property and asked for a definition of "Area" and they stated that it was left up to the officer's judgment.....So bottom line...Even if we wanted to run feeders we wouldn't....And we don't because it's just too expensive with the price of Corn and Gas these days.

I've got to go buy 400lbs of Corn this week to stock the Hog Feeders on my Georgia Club and I am dreading it.


"You can't scare me.........I have kids"