The key word is AREA. Just say Joe Blow has property joining my property. He puts a corn feeder 2 feet from my property line, without me knowing. You're telling me that the Game Warden is not going to allow me to hunt my property that I bought and paid for???????
They can not do that. Whomever you're talking to is either a hard &@S or a dumba$@.
Let him take that case to court agaist one of these big land owners that have the Governor and everyone else bought off.
I respect the job that Conservation Officers do, as I stated, I have a good friend that is a Game Warden. If I were breaking the law, he wouldn't hesitate to give me a ticket. He does, however, use good judgement. What your man is saying is off base. You cannot shut down 3000 acres because somebody that lives on the property has a corn feeder in their back yard. Can't do it.