Robert: I understand what you're saying. I guess it's a judgement call by the officer. It's a problem, definately. I guess my beef with the Conservation Department is this: They claim to be agaist baiting because (they claim) it spreads sickness (I can't spell disease). Anyway, if they do think it spreads sickness and is a problem, then feeders should be outlawed completely. Personally, I think the Moultrie folks are pushing it to be lawfull to hunt over corn, and some of the old guard in the Conservation Dept won't go for it. Again, to each his own, I'm not going to bust a guy's chops for paying alot of money to lease property and hunting over a feeder. I know lots of guys who do it. One guy does it all year, and hardly ever shoots a deer. He just likes to know when he goes out, he will see deer. Abuse can be found anywhere. Good luck on your lease