BTW Bruzer nice plots in the pics above.

Obviously we will have to agree to disagree.

I don't see how hunting over a fertilized food plot that put there for the main purpose to attract deer is any different "BAITING" than using corn. And don't give me the nutritional thing excuse, if that was your main purpose then you wouldn't have a nice cozy box stand sitting right on top of it to shoot (not hunt) deer out of.

To state in an earlier post that your a "hunter" because you shoot deer off a food plot put there to attract deer and someone who does the exact same thing but with corn is a "shooter" is one of the most hypocritical things I've heard. That has nothing to do with the nutrition factor, BOTH of the above persons are actually "shooters", they are just using different bait.

Planting food plots here is much different here than in Georgia, much more labor intensive than what you have to do, trust me. If you ever came here and tried it you would understand what I mean and I'm sure your attitude would change slightly. It's very easy to sit in your personal locale and say "oh its not that hard here, so it must be like that in the rest of the country". I can do it because I own my own tractors, plows, grain drills etc. But the average Joe living in the big city working 50 hrs a week and a house full of kids, etc., etc. it just isn't quite that easy.

To end this, believe it or not, I'm not actually a big fan of corn feeders, but if a person stands a chance of holding deer on his property here he better have one or two because every other swingin' joe within the area will have several. Not saying thats right or wrong that's just the way it is.

Good luck to ya',
