Originally Posted by Huntz
Originally Posted by Bruzer

I have more than a clue.....I have facts.

You can verify here.....This is where I buy my supplies.


The cost of producing 20,000lbs of quality forage with a food plot versus the cost of the same 20,000lbs of Corn.

Duranna/Patriot Clover Plot Costs (1 Acre)

4lbs of Duranna $32
4lbs of Patriot $32
100lbs of Winter Wheat $50
100lbs of Buck Forage Oats $50
50 lbs of Austrian Winter Peas $35
300lbs of 10-10-10 $150
Tractor Rental Weekend $300
Total $650

Feeder $200
20,000lbs of Corn $3,200
Gas for trips to refill feeder all year $600
Total $4,000

Even with renting a tractor for the weekend it's much cheaper than filling up a feeder all year.......Unless of course you only fill up the feeder when you plan on hunting or just prior....Which I believe is probably the case for most baiters.


You have to tell me where you are getting seed at that price????Up here in Northern Wi. Red Dyno Clover is $13.50 a Lb ,20 lbs per acre,a 50 lb sack of Rye seed is $35.00, Lime 10.50 per 40 Lbs X 2,000lbs an acre you dont even want to know how much Biologic is.We havent even discussed My Tractor$25,000,Fuel, cost of used disk$2,500.00 ,used seed drill $5,000 and I have not even brought up how most seed and fertilizer has doubled in cost since last year.Take a guess at what 2 acres of alfafa cost to plant.Much cheaper to bait.

Yep, and its no different than hunting a field. whistle

For that coin I'd go dumptruck of apples....you could keep them in a tidy acre with sore bellies for most of the season.