Originally Posted by vintageautomobilia
I have added another gun to our list, #4677 in .35 Rem.

We still have fewer than 50 guns listed which, if 5000 is the number of guns manufactured, is a very small survival rate of less than 1%. I have to think that with a gun like this the survival rate would be at least 10% - and probably much higher.

I may be wrong, but I don't believe that people throw away their guns. I know I never have.

Peter, I don't think the 50 guns we've found has anything to do with "survival rate". I think I know more gun collectors that don't own a computer than do. Alot more are owned by people that aren't passionate about guns.

I've had all that I wanted of alot of things I've had, and alot more than I've needed of some things that turned out bad.