Like Saddlesore and many others, we try and have a great bunch of meals that are close to home food.

Grilled Steaks, fried potato's and onions
BBQ Chicken with Spanish rice (Lipton brand in a bag) Just mix and heat
Grilled salmon and Ribeyes. Easy to make and quick to grill
Chili and cornbread
Stew and Cornbread
Burritos with shredded beef. Made beef ahead of time so just reheat
Breakfasts of eggs, bacon, sausage, tortillas, salsa
Cinnamon Rolls, Donuts, and instant oatmeal.

Good food, warm comfy camp, nice bedrolls seem to be what the doctor ordered for our elk camps. We seem to be more energetic hunters and thus been more successful as of late. Wall tents with a wood stove are hard to beat.

We used to do the heat and eat meals out of cans while staying in nylon type tents with propane heaters. We were cold, miserable, and invariably hungry all the time. Not anymore.

Shut up and hunt!