As for recovering bullets I've not found many in deer, IMO deer are pretty darn easy to blow thru and not a good test of bullets. But, that's just the way I see it..

To me, elk/moose is where we begin to run into Big Game and begin to get to be some good test media. By my way of thinking the size of game has more to do with it than the range.

Uno mas observation about bullets being recovered, I've seen more 30 cal bullets taken out of (dead) elk than all of the 270's and 7mm's combined. Once again take that for what it's worth.

I'm one that likes to have two holes (from one bullet...grin) in game and I've noticed that I see that less with the 30's than I do with the 7's and .270's. Hence why I don't believe that we get better blood trails with the 30's. As well that's just one of the reasons I like the 200's in the 300's.


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy