Originally Posted by NH K9
200 fps gains me............what? More recoil/noise for my 8 year old son, great!

I understand that everyone has a different application for their hunting ARs. I'm not generally using mine (for deer) past 300, and that's not frequent. The 6.8 does the job with no fuss.

I'm good.......


Most hunting bullets require a velocity of 1800FPS to expand. Adding 200FPS makes the actual effective hunting range longer. Look at the graphs i posted keeping in mind the 1800fps impact rule and you'll see it gives you more than 100 yards more effective actual hunting range. In other words deer you had to let go are now in play. Deer that were already in range are now being hit with more energy than before.

Last edited by SanCalPigHunter; 07/16/13.