Enjoying the hilarity!

Hoalie you "daring" "trend setter" you,lemme letcha' in on a little "secret"...Stupidity ain't a trend,it's a PLIGHT and the differences are stark. Hint. Laffin'!

This schit is all "new" to me.

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Just saying.


You couldn't afford to keep me in lens caps...bless your heart. PS and by the way,you are drooling,again!



I doubt I've had much more than 100+ Reuplods. Might even have got a scratch on one,as I was taking it out of the case.(grin)

Newest on is a PEACH.

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You might be right...I prolly shoulda ordered more 75MOA 1913 extended rails.(grin)

Oddly enough,none of these CLUELESS Window Licking Kcunts have shot a MR/Montucky with said glass and I too,am enjoying the schit out of that humor.

Imagination and Pretend are VERY "real" to many and they're on an EPIC tear here.


Smells like a Brux 1-8" contour dupe at 20.3" in 6BR with a 105 'Max kissing 'bout here and wearing .0025" constriction.


The ONLY thing tipping over,will be Splendid Beasties and the Texas Twatorium is gonna lament the fact,that there ain't no fences!


'Course The BMFOTP will rate a FF MQ too,beings the bolt is freshly bushed.


Funny how it actually works and I mean phuqqing FUNNY!

Wow +P+.