Originally Posted by Fubarski

Any one of us "experts" watchin' could have done "better".

BUT, we hadn't invested YEARS of our life gettin to that point.

IT'S NOT that "one" decision (or guess), but what lead to it that would make us the person that would be called upon to make that decision.

Your record of decisions made you the person that would NOT be called upon to make that decision.

Yes, it's easy to be the person that would have made the decision to do something else, but it's hard to be the person that's made thousands of decisions in the past, correctly, that led to the OPPORTUNITY to make the decision that went wrong.

So, you could have made ONE decision right, according to you, assuming you would have made it correctly, but we are supposed to assume you would have made the thousands of other choices right to get you into that positions?

Ehough Monkeys and keyboards would write war and peace, right?

so your stance is its ok to make a gloriously horrible decision just cause you have made SOME good ones in the past? cause he sure in the hell hasnt made all good decisions in his career and this was his first phug up....

i made enough good decisions that i was signing my own paychecks by the time i was 26, i made two real major phug ups in my life.....first was being blind about a gal cause i loved her and put all my eggs in that one basket.....second was not forcing psyclobin mushrooms down her throat when the choice was those or a FDA approved drug that could and did rewire her brain.....now not only are her and i divorced but she has royally phugged up her relationships with her daughters, with one probably to the point of being gone for good cause i didnt force her to do something illegal....

Last edited by rattler; 02/01/15.

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books