I've only been on a few guided hunts, but some of them I actually felt like a hinderance if I tried to help skin or do whatever else. I hope I didn't leave them the impression that I was one of "those" hunters. These have all been overseas hunts though, where trackers and skinners were paid to do all of that work. If I did a guided moose hunt or something like that here in America I am sure I wouldn't be interfering with anything if I tried to help out.

To the OP, I normally go with the standard ~10% tip, assuming everything went well. Every guided hunt I have been on did go well, I suspect at least partly because I didn't expect to be waited on all the time and I was always willing to go home empty-handed.

I will say though, I do not guide anymore for a reason. It seemed like I was just babysitting a bunch of grown dudes. I didn't care that they didn't help with chores...after all it was their vacation and they were paying for it, but the constant negative attitude/not willing to hike/always bitching about things really turned me off of guiding. Not all clients were that way obviously, but many were.