Trailer Update.

Insurance put the repair money in our bank account 4 days after we told them about the trailer damage. But it looks like their estimate was a little off. The said it would require both sections of the roof be replaced but it looks like only the front section is beyond repair. A new window in the back, something I can do myself may be all the back needs. The parts to repair everything have to come from Indiana and after ordering it ill take 6 to 8 weeks to get them. But the best news is If I do a little work cleaning up and removing limbs sticking through the roof then screwing down to pieces of plywood and sealing with some silicone caulk the trailer will be good to go at least for Quemado. It won't be pretty but it will be dry and a good place for two old people to sleep in.

We are at the farm now and have the inside drying out. The weather even has been cooperating. My son will be here tomorrow and after my daughter's wedding Saturday we will have three days to get the trailer road ready.

Quemado, here we come! grin

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!