Well, after an overnight stay in Pecos, Tx, the Harris/McIntosh clan made it to south/central Texas about 4:00 this afternoon. The camp trailer is parked in the shade of the oak tree in the side yard and the piles of laundry are monumental. Once again, we had a fabulous time! Thanks to the generosity of so many, our boys not only have some great stories to tell, but they have great prizes and are sporting bruises on their right shoulders which they proudly display to anyone who asks. They're already planning strategy for next year's shooting events.
Thanks to Brian's patience and excellent teaching, Jocelyn has begun "shopping" for her requested birthday present. I have until October to come up with an appropriate caliber pistol for a 12 year old girl and it looks like 4-H shooting sports will become a regular part of her routine (Thank you Scott F). She may even participate in a few of the shooting events next year. wink
I took lots of pictures... with dad's camera, so I am sure he'll get more up as soon as Photobucket begins cooperating.
I cannot thank all of you enough for allowing us to join in this gathering each of the last 3 years. Just this afternoon, as Jace sat gazing at his newly acquired .22 revolver, he glanced up at me and said with a very serious face "Mr. Darby is awesome!". We are honored to have met each and every one of you, you are ALL "Awesome".

Few places in this world are more dangerous than home. Fear not, therefore, to try the mountain passes. They will kill care, save you from deadly apathy, set you free, and call forth every faculty into vigorous, enthusiastic action. ~ John Muir