Sorry to hear about your injuries, Jeff.
My advice is to consult with a foot doctor and follow his advice.
I'd be surprised if you will be in shape to go hunting in 3 weeks. As a retired construction worker, I've been injuried a good bit and have seen many also injuried. Stuff like that often takes months, not weeks to heal.
You might consider turning in your tag/permit if you aren't 100% in 3 weeks and getting a full refund.
If it were my decision, I'd think long and hard on an off trail, back pack hunt. Being badly injuried in a place with no good trail system, or even one that did have such trails, is a real disaster. It can be life threatning. Off trail, it would easy to injure yourself more. Such activities places all sorts of strains on us that we are often not conditioned for.
Do be careful. E