This will be my third hunt up there. There's sheep, but I'm hunting mule deer. The pack starts at about 9400 feet. It's gorgeous country (SE Oregon).

Couldn't agree more about a stick! I used one the other two times. The first time, my knee started glitching halfway in and was FUBAR by the time I finally got to the co-ords I was headed to. That stick saved my butt. That turned out to be my first incidence of IT band pain, though I didn't know that at the time. Isn't getting older GREAT? Anyway, a stick lets you take the load off a malfunctioning joint... mostly. I also used it a lot for balance and as an anchor point when picking my way through the cliffs (rimrocks). Invaluable.

You may be onto something there with the Asolo's.

Here's a pic from last year. This is at about 8800 feet. I got my buck in the sage, out of the frame towards the left. I packed this one down, through that aspen grove. Not fun. But SO MUCH FUN! smile

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The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two