Good luck Bob!

Noduck, hills aren't ideal but ironically the sage flats are the thing that sets it off the most. It's the uneven and uncertain footing I guess, partly because of the gopher (or whatever they are) tunnels doing mini-collapses underfoot. Up on the top of the mountain I'm mostly on rocks and dirt and it's more controllable.

It's pretty sore tonight. Rolling with it. Keeping my hunts in the 3/4 mile range. That could still set me up for a deer pack-out that was troublesome.

It's unlike any injury I've had-- I just don't know what to expect! You can't power through it. It won't just go away on its own. Can't walk it off- quite the opposite.

I haven't been taking ibuprofen up here, or Alieve either. I just can't function on anti-inflammatory-level doses of those for this type of activity.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two