Last year a very similar thing happened to me. I was getting ready for a dall sheep hunt in AK and went out 2-3 weeks before I left and tried "superfeet" green insoles in my boots on a 7 mile hike with my pack in the biggest mountains I could find in central IL (in other words - little tiny hills). Someone suggested them to me and stupidly I tried them on a "big" hike as I was getting ready.

When I returned to my truck I could already tell I had done the wrong thing and by that night my left foot was screaming at me. I was really worried I had messed up my entire hunt.

So off to the podiatrist I went and started doing most everthing stated above - stretching, frozen water bottle, etc. For me it calmed down in time for me make it on my hunt and I did fine (and got a beautiful ram).

What I learned from that experience was:

- never introduce something new to my feet that close to a hunt/trip
- introduce new things to my feet in small doses, not big long pushes
- all the remedies stated above really do help

The green superfeet was just to rigid right at my arch - I need less support right there and more cushion.

I talked to the podiatrist about the enjection and he opted to not do that. He did give me a low dose course of oral steriods to take and melixicam (? spelling) - a perscription anti steriod. I never took the steriods because as I started the melixicam and did the stretching, etc it started to feel a lot better.

In summary - you can make it on your hunt and do great - good luck!

Last edited by elkrazy; 09/15/16. Reason: typo