Originally Posted by Oldelkhunter
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
“This involved a situation where the states had already made the official and authoritative determination as to who won in those states and they sent the votes and certified them to Congress,” [Barr] said. “The allegation, essentially, by the government is that at that point, the president conspired, entered into a plan, a scheme, that involved a lot of deceit, the object of which was to erase those votes, to nullify those lawful votes.”
What do you expect the Bolsheviks to put in the charges? It's total BS. Anyone with half a brain sees right through it. I think even they know it's BS. That you don't is pretty sad.

What Pinocchio does not realize is that the Dems are playing a game of election interference. Damn is he slow witted.

What Trump did had to be prosecuted or we are literally a lawless banana republic. Given that he lost, it’s unavoidable that the prosecution is being executed under the opposing party.

It gives you guys cover to circle the wagons and keep gaslighting each other, that’s for sure, and it’s unfortunate. But here we are. What he did HAS TO BE PROSECUTED.

To the point at hand, it might all be moot anyway in terms of his prospects as a politician. He appears to be constitutionally prevented from running again, and it appears to be on fairly solid ground to think that. Notably, none here are even really addressing that point. Have any of you even read the paper, or even the abstract? I can find a “explainer” type article and post it.

But, SCOTUS bats last on this one, conceded.

I’m just giving you guys a heads-up that this is coming down the pike. You’re welcome.

Gonna go ride my dirt bike for a bit, see if the jetting change I just made makes it even mo’ betta. I’ll find an explainer when I’m done screwing around. Carry on.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two