Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Folks….. the overall point I’ve been trying to make, here on this thread and elsewhere, is that reality is coming. Trump is going to trial. I feel like some folks have gotten so addicted to the thrill of seeing no consequences for DJT that they’ve lost sight of reality.

He’s being prosecuted for serious crimes that all evidence points to him committing. He’s going to jail unless he can show that in fact the election was stolen from him. In other words, provide the proof the guy has been claiming to have FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS! Lacking that, he’s in heap big trouble. Why? Because he did what he did and we all saw it being done. It’s utterly inexcusable- unless there truly was a vast conspiracy and it was stolen from him. One way or another we’re going to find out, but it’s not looking good for the former guy.

That’s just a general recap. This thread is specifically about whether the constitution prevents him from even running. If he engaged in insurrection or rebellion, then it very plainly does just that.

This stuff is real, it’s happening, and it’s coming.

What ever happens you'll still be a retard...............