Originally Posted by safariman
CNS on a yote is a very small target and a good way to miss a little and have a wounded animal on your hands. Too small of a target even on larger big game animals. No experienced thoughtful hunter aims for anything BUT the heart lung area of a game animal and if a rifle will not put them down with a shot to that area it is inadequate for that animal. So, if a thoracic hit to a Coyote with a 17HMR is not a dead sure right now killer then it is an inadequate round for such. I have not even thought to try such so cannot speak to it from personal experience (would also choose larger armament) but had to address the really silly statement about CNS shots. A trick shot attempted by or 'braqged' about by the uninitiated or inexperienced excepting from quite close range under good conditions and circumstances. And yes, the Elephant in my avatar was taken with a heart shot. To say a rifle is adequate for whatever animal if it will kill with a CNS shot would make the 22 Hornet an Elk rifle. Silly beyond the pale.

In terms of target size,head shots on coyotes are just as easy as clean thoracic hit on a squirrel or cottonatail rabbit..

My point is, if you TRULY care about humane kills on Coyotes, those are the ONLY shots folks should be taking with ANY currently available 17 OR 22 rimfire. Period.

If you like "runners" than by all means pretend "the Mighty" 22 mag is a 22-250 and fire at will. If you loose most of them in the Sage or tall grass, don't blame the round- be it 17 or 22.

Last edited by jim62; 12/13/10.

To all gunmaker critics-
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.."- Teddy Roosevelt