No, not at all.

What I'm saying is that the idea that Iran's foreign policy is "none of our business" is a head in the sand position.

Case by case, TRH. That's my approach.

For example. India and Pakistan have been in an arms race for a while now. Is that our business?

Well, Pakistan harbors people that seek to do us harm. These weapons that the Pakistani Government are racing to build in order to defend themselves from India, somehow keep finding their way into the hands of those that wish to do us harm.

The conflict between India and Pakistan may not be our business, but the fallout from such a conflict is certainly worth us keeping an eye on.

Iran has a very well established posture and position in which it has repeatedly and clearly stated that it would like to harm Western Culture.

You are a big proponent of "following the money" yet you do not apply it to the dealings of Iran. If you had, you'd see that Iran is funding every group out there that seeks to harm Westerners.

Small bands of marauders in and of themselves may not be able to conquer a nation, but with the right equipment, planning, and financial backing, they sure can bring one to it's knee's.

Iran is not going to invade American soil with uniformed Military any day soon. They are however - and they make no bones about it - working towards the demise of Western Culture.

This has nothing to do with American World-Policism, it has everything to do with our National Security.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.