Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by HugAJackass

Why Anarchy will never truly work. It will always be dominated and ruled, while they sit there and ask what just happened?

"We ignored them, why'd they subjugate us!?" crazy

Head in the sand is not a wise position as it leaves your backside sky high!
Without touching your anarchy red herring, don't you think the suggestion that Iran, a backwards third world nation, constitutes a viable threat to the United States just a bit silly?

What IS incredibly silly is your naive question, it almost defies credulity. Iran can and in a very short time, completely disrupt the world's oil supply that even if it didn't affect us would cause a complete encomic collapse of the majority of our trading parteners, in turn causing our economy to collapse even further. Not to mention is if once they can deliver nukes (and forget Israel for now), to their arch-enemy Iraq and destroy their oil refining capabilites, an even bigger catastrophe WILL ensue. Apparently you've swallowed the dangerously idiotic notion RP (the kook) has that all we need are a few submarines.

jorge, Are you a fisherman? You sure love red herrings!

Arab countries and Iran are dependent upon oil exportation. Without exporting oil, they shrivel. The last thing Iran would ever entertain is interrupting oil flow from the region. Were it to act so stupidly, it would have every other oil exporting country breathing down its neck.

Oil interruption is a false flag floated by USA & Israel to see if we'll take the bait. If you, Steve_No, & Baby Huey are circling baited hooks, send YOUR sons there. Leave the sons of intelligent Americans to party with Jewish kids and American coeds on Miami Beach.

I, for one, would love to see Middle Eastern oil flow interrupted. That way Obama will be forced to drill baby, drill right here. Old oil monied interests would have sh*t fits because of lost Middle Eastern oil revenue. But I couldn't care less. Drill baby, drill right here would leave us independent of Middle Eastern oil producing countries. That means, we would have no ostensible interest in the Middle East, which means Israel will be on its own. That is not acceptable to Israel. Israel needs us dependent upon Middle Eastern oil for justification of our military presence there, which it controls.

Wise up!