Originally Posted by KFWA
so the argument is that our government is just going to spend the money on something, might as well be long term military engagements?

we are truly screwed as a nation if this is the fall back position on military spending.

No, now who's reading something into what isn't there? smile

The argument is that the Government is supposed to spend money on National Defense.

Nation Building (currently what's happening in Afghanistan) is not in the interest of National Defense.

Seek and destroy threats is in the interest of National Defense.

That's premise number one.

Premise number two is that HOW we are spending money on National Defense is flawed and certainly needs to be addressed.

Premise number three is that Iran is a threat and needs to be addressed. A Nuclear Iran will be much harder to address.

Premise number four is that our weakness is in our culture of spending in Washington. That's what has weakened us in regards to a Global Superpower. The heavy burden of taxation the Federal Gov exerts on the private sector economy has driven industry to such places as China. The wasteful spending conducted by Washington has left us unable to compete.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.