Originally Posted by KFWA
its a losing proposition to think we can maintain a mixed bag of cultures that control a commodity we desperately need while we continue to support the one entity that unites them against us.

We live in fear of them getting their hands on a nuke because we continually antagonize them.

We're never going to know peace as long as we keep poking our fingers in their chest, over a fight that isn't ours, and expecting them to fall in line with our views on democracy and Israel's views on land ownership.

We're barely keeping a lid on the powder keg now and we have troops on the ground in two countries, threatening at least 2 more militarily and constantly bribing the rest of them. Its bankrupting us.

And the pro Israel war hawks have many believing we have no choice because "you just can't put a price on protecting ourselves from those crazy towel heads"

its absurd.