Originally Posted by safariman
I would love to see an Iranian "regeime change" at the point of some guns held by Isreali and US forces. War mongering terrorism exporting Ayatollahs, getting the guillationne in public and on international TV. Needed to happen yesterday. Or the day, week, month, year before that.

Big time Hawk on the side of Isreal's right to remain in tact and in peace, big time hawk on blowing the ever luvin crapola out of anything in Iran that remotely smells of nuc power here.

Mark, you know I love ya man but jeez o' Pete that's a strange statement.

We have to have a war with them... because THEY are warmongering? Israel needs to go to war with them... to be at peace?


The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two