Jeff, I honestly hadn't ever read anything you have said on the topic so I do not know where you stand with the whole thing. Thank you for understanding that my comment was not directed at you. Those that it pertains to know who they are.

In response to what you posted though, I would counter this Statement,

Originally Posted by Jeff_O
the anti-Iranians tend to try to paint the Iranians as so ludicrously.... insane and irrational and bloodthirsty and pure eeeeevil.... that it begs a response.

by replacing the word Iranian with American Government, then pointing out that the same stigma is not applied to other Governments.

Especially ludicrous is when you combine that with the fact that A.)at least our Government attempts to be subtle in their attempt to subject us, and B.)Iran has not even remotely hinted at anything else other than their desire to wipe us from the Globe!

It's mind-boggling.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.