Originally Posted by Steve_NO
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Rather, the anti-Iranians tend to try to paint the Iranians as so ludicrously.... insane and irrational and bloodthirsty and pure eeeeevil.... that it begs a response.

you don't have to "paint" Iran that way or any way, you just have to listen to their words. only willful refusal to face an ugly fact can explain anybody trying to whitewash Iran's intent both toward the US...and any other infidel state that gets in the way....and Israel.

if the Iranians' ability to inflict damage ever equals the reach of their intentions, look out. preventing that should be the goal of western policy......blocking that, and ramping up the threat to Europe, the US, the Sunni Arab states, and yes, Israel, is the reason China and Russia are assisting Iran and egging her on.

And cue the "willful refusal to face an ugly fact" brigade.... crazy

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.