Originally Posted by Brad

By the time I was 16 I'd walked just over 1,000 miles of the AT. Never, ever felt the need for a handgun. If I felt the need, I'd resist and carry bear spray. Damn effective on two and four legged beasts. FWIW, I never pack a handgun here in grizzly country, except when packing out bloody elk meat... then it's just a backup to bear spray.

Carrying a handgun is an awesome responsibility. If you've ever killed someone you'll know what I mean. Unless you're thoroughly trained and have the right mindset, I'd not carry.

I agree. Also, there is the problem of what to do with the gun while in town. You will also likely be violating a myriad of laws. UDAP bear spray weighs 9oz. Bears are an increasing problem in the SE, an AT section in GA now requires you to hike through or have a bear canister if you camp now.