Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd

Brad, from what I've seen you post, I would say you are a very knowledgeable hiker and backpacker including the things associated with those activities such as clothes and equipment. I would also guess by your pictures you can combine those skills with elk hunting and do it successively.

IMO, that's where you are at your best here. No need for the animos where there is a disagreement. smile

George I wouldn't disagree. I'm a bit worn-thin (30 days in a row with 1 day off) and am tired of the lazy, macho, reading impaired, do-nothings on this forum that make a living sniping on others heels.

That wouldn't include you in any way BTW... you are the voice of sound, actual wisdom, and I'm going to sit on my hands from here on.

Bless you man... thanks for your kind thoughts.

“Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away” Antoine de Saint-Exupery