The trails I hike are generally quite untraveled, and, are on public land far from anywhere. If I'm understanding the AT that's not true there; it puts the hiker within reach of "the world" so to speak.

Having packed a Kahr P45 quite a bit I can say I literally forget it's there. They are exceptionally light and trim. Maybe I'm a wuss- hell, I AM wuss- but if I'm on a trail with lots of people AND it dips near enough to rural area that one sees the fringes of society on it I'd damn well pack that pistol.

My girls are beautiful and two of them are natural blondes. The world at large has a fetish over real blondes as I've come to see owning a couple <g>. It's not to be trivialized. If I'm with them in a remote place especially where 911 has no meaning, it's my job to make sure as best I can that they don't become headlines, because as I say however sick the sickos are towards women in general it's +P towards skinny, attractive natural blondes.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two