I really like light nylon pants like the REI adventure pants, a tough peach finished nylon material. They are light as a feather, tough, comfortable for hiking uphill, non-water wicking, and quieter than denim. They don't block rose thorns worth a darn though.
I wear them over a merino wool base layer either boxers (expensive but worth it) or long johns (terramars I got on sale at Sierra trading post). The merino underwear doesn't get so terrible smelling with use.

If it gets cold, (<single digits), when it gets wet out, or I am sitting and glassing for a long time I have some over pants from Rivers West to slip on. I was given a set of Cabelas Microtex pants and have seen good reviews of them but I haven't worn them yet. For still hunting in the timber I still use Johnson brand wool pants. The original pair is 30 years old and still usable but worn might thin in few places.