Originally Posted by saddlesore

I tend to not hunt in the rain or a snow storm. I have found the animals hole up and hunting success goes way down. I do like they do. If I am out and about, I hunker down under some big pine tree and wait it out. If I get up in the AM and it is snowing or raining, I go back to bed. Hunting is suppose to be fun, and getting soaked or even being out in the rain or snow isn't. When you get older with a few more rings under your bark, you get smarter.

Saddlesore, just noticed your comments above. Your comments about deer and elk holing up in rain are accurate IME when hunting the Rockies and inland dry BC mule deer country. Surprisingly, we've found that the opposite seems true for most animal behavior on the wet coast. The BEST time to hunt PNW blacktail deer is in a light long lasting rain (normal weather IOW grin)