Originally Posted by Biggs300
Okanagan, I've had this suggested before and I may have to make a trip to a local thrift store to check it out. How is the durability of thinner wool dress pants?

They are tougher than we might expect if they are quality material to begin with, pretty close to half faded jeans for how easily they tear. My best ever were Pendleton wool and they lasted five seasons (apparently custom sewn for somebody). Others have lasted for one trip. A little bit of synthetic blend doesn't hurt anything IMO though virgin wool is my first choice.

I stock up with a few extras in case I ruin a pair. Don't know how to describe better quality wool fabric but it is usually a tight weave, even if soft on the surface. The good stuff is tough even if very thin.

Just back from a bow hunt for elk on the Olympic Penninsula. I wore super thin peach-finish nylon pants (REI ?) and alternated a pair of thin wool dress pants though it was so warm I didn't wear the wool much.