Originally Posted by rattler
love the bear retrieval rig.....80 some year old father in law keeps a roll of rope in his truck thats prolly atleast a half mile for pulling deer out of the deep coulees here......either he attaches a pulley to our truck if we are with him or a post if we are not, run the rope through the pulley, down to the deer and then drive down the road and up comes the deer....works best with three people but can be done with one.....

That is ANOTHER good way to do it! I have a small ATV winch in the back of my avalanche, but I have to get the dead creature close to the truck before it does me any good.

BTW, to any of the still capable folks here who might thinnk this is 'cheating' to winch out a bear, I have backpacked out a bunch of stuff, loved doing so, but physically just cannot make that happen any more. I am so very glad to have real freinds who make it possible for me to still hunt at all these days.

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