Stuart, this is a forum where people exchange opinions and ideas. You've expressed yours, and now I'll express mine.

You've shown yourself to be without class, so I won't comment further on that. You seem surprised at Huntsonora's anger, which is an indication of your skill in dealing with people. I'm not surprised at his anger, that would be any man's reaction to your insults.

I don't feel anger when I read your posts, I feel pity.

You're obviously a small-minded man who hasn't seen much of the world, and you choose to remain provincial in your views. That's fine, but if you post them on an international public forum, don't be shocked when you take some flack.

Your lack of worldliness is evidenced by your remarks concerning the female doctor who "put her hands all over you."

You're actually surprised that an MD put her hands on you. You think it's something sexual, that you're irresistible.

So when a male doctor checks your prostate, do you think he secretly desires to bugger you? No, he's just doing his job.

I have a close female relative whose doctor missed an abdominal tumor the size of a grapefruit (twice) because the doctor relied on lab tests instead of good old-fashioned manual palpitation. A massage therapist found the tumor. You should count yourself lucky that you have a doctor who's thorough, rather than turning it into a racist rant.

And you've run into other Indians in your town and found your interactions leave something to be desired. That's not surprising, given the attitudes you display here. People tend to meet hostility with hostility.

Or maybe the Indians you're run across in your little corner of the world are truly "bad people." It happens, and you can find "bad people" of any race or creed, especially if you're looking for them. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But to write off 1.3 billion people due to your interactions in your little corner of the world is ridiculous. You're assuming that the Indians you've come across are representative of all 1.3 billion, and that is just not the case.

There are many Indians in my career field, and I work with them every day. I can't see that they're much different than anyone else. One of the best engineers I've ever worked with is from Mumbai, and I count myself fortunate to be his friend. Every one of the clients he's worked with absolutely loves the guy and they keep sending him more projects, which is the bread and butter for people in this field.

He married an Anglo American woman, and helped raise her child; I can say that having him in her life was a Godsend. The daughter will graduate from college soon.

He's good enough at his work that many years, he gets a significant cash bonus. Enough to cover two years college tuition. And he sends the check directly to his father in Mumbai, who runs an orphanage.

I'm sure that none of this matters to you, and I don't expect to change your opinion. The thing is, it's your loss, not the Indians'.

A wise man is frequently humbled.