I was right in your area yesterday afternoon. Went on a road trip from Boise to Salmon to Missoula Friday, then Missoula down 93 to Idaho Falls yesterday.

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Closer look at Mt. Borah. In fact, if you look close, I think that's you there next to that 2nd tree from the top, bent over and huffing and puffing... wink

I tried to get someone to climb that mountain with me about six years ago and got a firm promise but then she backed out. Not sure I could make it at this age any more and wouldn't want to try it alone.

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I've seen a lot of nice places in the West, the part between Stanley and Salmon is Tall, Steep and Rugged, and the area up in Western Montana around Missoula to Butte and Helena is about as pretty as any place I've seen, but that Lost River Range just exemplifies majestic grandeur if ever I've seen it. Jagged rocky peaks above timberline that go on for miles and miles. IMO they make the Sawtooths look second rate.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!