Originally Posted by RJM
...and it always a bigger adventure when one drives with Dave (Idaho Shooter) anywhere there is dirt...and that is most of Idaho....

...just getting to the shooting spot is an off-road adventure...

I think Bob's words were, "You people in Idaho are fricken crazy"

I told him that if we did not drive through stuff like this, we simply couldn't get anywhere. Anywhere worth getting to anyway.

At least it is dry and solid now, it gets interesting in late Feb through March.

I managed to not embarrass myself with my 657 and Ruger SBH in 41 at the 300 yd mark. I could have made some peripheral hits on a silhouette target. (we were just choosing badger mounds, ant hills, and the like as targets.)

But at 500 yds, I could not even be sure I was striking the hillside. That is a whole nother ball game.

I will say, I would not want Bob shooting at me with any of his revolvers, even at 500 yds.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.