Neighbor had a fresh-planted crabapple tree and objected to a cow moose nibbling on it. To chase it off he got creative and ran his RC Car at it to chase it off. It almost worked until an over-sized tuft of grass high-centered it. Cow suddenly changed from unhappy to very happy as she proceeded to stomp it into plastic chips.

Had a martin on Afognak Island decide my deer was his. He had pulled ALL the hair off a big piece of neck and was spitting mouthfuls of hair in the air. He really resented me for taking the deer and followed for quite a way down the trail.

An ermine decided a Dolly Varden I had just caught was his and was doing his best to drag it away from the instant it nosed into the beach. I used the long rod to keep the fish just deep enough to keep him from getting it, but he would not leave the beach and came after my boots every time I tried to get close and chase him off.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.