Came upon a cow moose and her calf hiking one day when I come around a group of trees. I froze, calf seen me, the cow didn't. Calf wanted to leave but eventually the cow fed past me, calf stayed where I initially seen it. Which put me basically only about 15 feet from being directly between cow and calf. Finally calf walked over to mom and at that time I made my self known by talking to them. Once they seen me I continued on my way past them. Calf freaked out and ran past me to where it was originally. Then the cow freaked out, lowered her head pinned her ears and had her neck/back hair standing up. I had no place to go, rock wall behind me and only brush around me. I simply froze, had this great plan of ducking and dodging my way to the closest big tree but when the cow whirled around and bluff charged me I stayed and she ran past to her calf, then swirled around and stomped her hooves at me a couple times before departing. I nearly needed to clean out my shorts!

Had a nuthatch attack me in the tree stand one day pecking at my hat/head, thought the dam thing was going to get one of my few remaining brain cells was scared ****less!! smile

Hunting is where you prove yourself