The Peckerpole Princesses can only do they best they can,with what incredibly little they have to work with. Their very WELL founded Insecurities unfold like an accordion,as their keyboards start slurring...the "lucky" kchunts. Laughing!

What are the "odds" that even when soused,The Peckerpole Princesses KNOW better than to try and muse anything if even in passing,regarding boolits,twist,COAL,mounts or glass. Bless their hearts. Laughing!

Few things more soothin',than a high-pitched nasal Whine and an Estrogen fueled Vagina Monologue. LOTSA Hurt Feeler Reports been pounded out in heartfelt angst,by Couchbound Kchunts. Laughing!

Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't.

You've been led to water.



Oh how I enjoy Window Lickers "telling" me stuff. As a rule,they go welllll outta their way,to obliviously extol their Dumbfhuqktitude,by talking out their ass,about the things they "know" the LEAST about. They are always on the outside looking in and feverishly try to connect a dot and rub elbows,in the false hope of getting a piece of the pie. Hilariously,they botch the most simplistic of things,as they delve wayyyyyy beyond their "means","abilities" and "comprehension",in the feeble attempt of having a first fhuqking clue. Hint. Congratulations?!? Laughing!

As a not so curious aside and if only to add credence to the above,the Victim you cite...assuredly is not a Salmon,let alone a Silver Hint. Though I enjoy Couch Riders doing their best. LAUGHING!

If only because Guessers crack me the fhuqk up. Hint.

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Trouble is,in a Light Done Right Rifle wearing a sane throat,reserve RPM and copious COAL,there is little crossover in it's relative abilities. Give or fhuqking take. Laughing!

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Now as Salmon go,the requisites are VERY different. Give or fhuqking take. Laughing!

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Trouble is,there's no crossover there either. Laughing!

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If only one more time,so you can say you've "seen" these things and now "know" the differences. Laughing!

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Trouble is,there's no crossover there either. Laughing!

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GOOD talk. It is always funnier than fhuqk,to grant The Do Nothing Gang opportunity,to "showcase" their version of things and I'm fhuqking crying...I'm laughing soooooooo hard.

Bless your heart.

Wow +P+!....................

Here's HOPING the OP is dumb enough to concoct such an Epic Goat Fhuqk...but "odds" are,the recent trend to make Dumbfhuqktiude somehow "fashionable",is slow to catch on.

Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't.


Wasn't someone gonna try to slur their keyboard enough,to "tell" me about brass too?!?

EPIC humor!...........................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."