Oh my...the Drooling Band of Peckerpole Princesses are yet craning pencil necks,setting on the outside looking in,just HOPING to get a piece of the pie and be able to say they've rubbed elbows. Sadly for them,Reality precludes same,but "luckily" for them...Imagination and Pretend are priced within their "means",so they can "afford" to "contribute". Congratulations?!? Laughing!

Have never even heard of a 204,but given the BC,it'd be a Blue Sky or bust chambering. Pardon the spout not being CM and the scope being one that does what scopes are SUPPOSED to do,which is steer boolits. It'd be intellesting to compare it to say a 75 A-max in a side by each extrapolation. Hint. Laughing!

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I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that it takes someone as AMAZINGLY Stupid as you,to corroborate building an Epic Goat Fhuqk and pardon my not being in the business of condoning Stupidity. I get it,that you haven't anywhere near the experience to savvy much of anything and that just "might" be why it's funnier than fhuqk,that you try soooooooooo hard. 'Course it's easy for me to say,if only because I've got/shot it all and am afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess. Hint. Laughing!

Bullets matter wayyyyyyyy more than headstamps,but the astute(which counts you out by default),will give the chambering a thunk to boot. Twist/throat/COAL dictate splendor,because that is the guiding light for available projectile selection and nothing matters more. While I VERY much enjoy The Peckerpole Princess Ping Pong ball Chronicles,I reckon that Dumbfhuqktitude ain't catchin' on at the pace your crossed-eyes wish,no matter how fast you flap your Fairy Wings and want it to be. Hint.Laughing!

The obvious reliably stumps Stupid Fhuqks and oblivious humor,is never not THE fhuqking funniest. Nod your head like you "understand".

COAL matters,more than a smidge.

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Even in a Krunchenticker. Hint.

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Or even in a DBM. Hint.

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Though in fairness a 204 is an excellent Donor,to yield a 1-8" Bart 223AI with. Hint. Laughing!

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Anywhoooo...GOOD talk,you Drooling Dumbfhuqks really "know" your stuff and really "get after it" and NOTHING is funnier than your version of "knowledge","results" and "experience". Laughing!

P.S. and by the way,Shefire sucks a mean ass,which is a Peckerpole Princess mainstay,you "lucky" kchunts. I'm always torn on which is fhuqking funnier,the Excuses or the Whine.

Bless your hearts.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."